ISCC sustainability & reduction of greenhouse emmissions

ISCC Certified

International Sustainability & Carbon certified biomass and bioenergy

The Arrow depots have been awarded the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC).

How does it assist our business, our customer and supplier base?

We now comply with the requirements of the RED (Renewable Energy Directive). We are also verified as reducing our Green House Gas Emissions which is something we have been working hard to achieve.

This award will help you our customers and suppliers in knowing that you are dealing with a partner who is sustainable and assisting our planet with less carbon emissions now and in generations to come.

Safe Sustainable and Climate Friendly

About the Certification

RED Directive limits negative impacts on the environment

According to European Renewable Energy Directive (RED) biomass for use as biofuel or bioenergy must be produced sustainably which results in an important contribution to climate protection and biodiversity. The directive sets relevant requirements to limit negative impacts on the environment.

Security through certification

ISCC is the first international certification system that can be used to prove sustainability and greenhouse gas savings for all kinds of biomass and bioenergy more than 250 stakeholders from Europe, the Americas and Southeast Asia contributed to its development.

What ISCC scheme does

The ISCC scheme documents the production of bioenergy with a mass balance system along the complete supply chain – starting at the farm or plantation, towards the mineral oil companies, power plant-operators or other users. The ISCC certificate is a reliable and persistent proof that biomass was produced according to European and German sustainability legislations.

Certification implements legal requirements

As an international certification scheme ISCC implements the legal requirements for biofuels and liquid biomass for electricity production as well as for other applications e.g. the food and chemical markets.

ISCC Website

Arrow Facts

200 vehicles

Collecting 200,000 litres per week Biodiesel fleet


Carbon offset (g) converted biodiesel since July 2010